Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Students plagued by poor grammar - Emphasis

Students plagued by poor grammar Students plagued by poor grammar University students writing is plagued by poor grammar and punctuation and a lack of consensus on what constitutes a clear writing style, new Emphasis research has found. This inaugural research project, which marks the launch of the Emphasis Research Centre, suggests that todays graduates the business writers of tomorrow arent being encouraged to write in a clear, straightfoward manner that will serve them (and their future colleagues and clients) best in the world of work. The results, compiled from an online survey of academics and lecturers from 37 UK universities, reveal a range of problems from poor grammar and punctuation to an inappropriate style. But the real problem may well be the inconsistent advice handed down from lecturers. The survey reveals a lack of agreement on what constitutes a good writing style: there is a real gulf between the plainer language tutors claim to prefer, and the typically opaque and multi-syllabic language of academia. So it isnt the case that the problem is going unrecognised or being ignored. Rather there is just a need for a unified and uniform support system. University lecturers are keen to help students overcome worrying deficiencies in their writing, says Emphasis CEO, Rob Ashton. But a lack of familiarity with the building blocks of a clear, plain style makes that goal hard to achieve. To read the full report on this research, click here. Other research has recently highlighted the link between low levels of literacy and a lack of success in the workplace. The report, published by the National Literacy Trust, found that one in six adults has levels of literacy lower than that expected of an 11-year-old. Two-thirds of men and three-quarters of women with poor reading and writing skills had never received a promotion.

Friday, November 22, 2019

French Resume - Le CV Francais

French Resume - Le CV Francais When applying for a job in a French-speaking country, your rà ©sumà © needs to be in French, which is more than a matter of translation. Aside from the obvious  language differences, certain information that may not be required - or even permitted - on rà ©sumà ©s in your country is required in France. This article explains the basic requirements and formats of French rà ©sumà ©s and includes several examples to help you get started. The first thing you need to know is that the word  rà ©sumà ©Ã‚  is a  false cognate  in French and English.Un rà ©sumà ©Ã‚  means a summary, whereas a rà ©sumà © refers to  un CV  (curriculum vitae). Thus, when applying for a job with a French company, you need to provide  un CV, not  un rà ©sumà ©. You might be surprised to learn that a photograph as well as some potentially delicate personal information, such as age and marital status, are required on a French rà ©sumà ©. These can and will be used in the hiring process; if this bothers you, France may not be the best place for you to work. Categories, Requirements, and Details The information that generally needs to be included on a French rà ©sumà © is summarized here. As with any rà ©sumà ©, there is no one right order or style. There are infinite ways to format a French rà ©sumà © - it really just depends on what you want to emphasize and your personal preferences. Personal information  -  Situation personnelle et à ©tat civil Last name (in all caps) -  Nom de familleFirst name -  Prà ©nomAddress -  AdressePhone number, including international access code -  Numà ©ro de tà ©là ©phone* Work phone -  bureau* Home phone -  domicile* Mobile phone -  portableEmail -  adresse e-mailNationality -  Nationalità ©Age -  geMarital status, number, and age of children -  Situation de famille* Single -  cà ©libataire* Married -  marià ©(e)* Divorced -  divorcà ©(e)* Widowed -  veuf (veuve)Passport-sized, color photograph Objective  -  Project Professionnel  or  Objectif Short, precise description of your skills and/or short-term career goals (i.e., what youll bring to this job). Professional Experience  -  Expà ©rience professionnelle Thematic or backwards chronological listName of company, location, dates of employment, title, job description, responsibilities, and notable achievements Education  -  Formation Only the highest diplomas you have obtained.Name and location of school, dates, and degree earned (Language and Computer) Skills  -  Connaissances (linguistiques et informatiques)      Languages -  Langues Dont exaggerate your language skills; theyre very easy to verify.Qualifiers:* (Basic) knowledge -  Notions* Conversant -  Maà ®trise convenable, Bonnes connaissances* Proficient -  Lu, à ©crit, parlà ©* Fluent -  Courant* Bilingual -  Bilingue* Native language -  Langue maternelle   Ã‚   Computers -  Informatique Operating systemsSoftware programs Interests, Pastimes, Leisure Activities, Hobbies  -  Centres dintà ©rà ªt, Passe-temps, Loisirs, Actività ©s personnelles/extra-professionnelles Limit this section to three or four lines.Consider the value of what you choose to include: list things that make you sound interesting, that set you apart from the rest of the crowd.Be prepared to discuss these with the interviewer (e.g., How often do you play tennis? Whats the last book you read?) Types of French Rsums There are two main types of French rà ©sumà ©s, depending on what the potential employee wants to emphasize: Chronological rà ©sumà © (Le CV chronologique): Presents employment in reverse chronological order.Functional rà ©sumà © (Le CV fonctionnel): Emphasizes career path and achievements and groups them thematically, by field of experience or sector of activity. Rsum Writing Tips Always have a native speaker proofread the final version of your rà ©sumà ©. Typos and mistakes look unprofessional and cast doubt on your stated French ability.Keep rà ©sumà © brief, concise, and direct; one or two pages maximum.Spell out names of  US states  and  Canadian provinces, rather than using abbreviations like NY or BC.If applying for a job where fluency in another language is required, consider sending a rà ©sumà © in that language along with the French one.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Issus on Populr Journlism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Issus on Populr Journlism - Essay Example In rÐ µcÐ µnt timÐ µs Ð ° numbÐ µr of issuÐ µs Ð °nd notions hÐ °vÐ µ Ð °ppÐ µÃ °rÐ µd in thÐ µ fiÐ µld of journÐ °lism Ð °s its dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt hÐ °vÐ µ broÐ °dÐ µn Ð °nd gÐ °inÐ µd morÐ µ Ð °rÐ µÃ °s to discovÐ µr. OnÐ µ of such issuÐ µs rÐ µfÐ µrs to tÐ °bloidisÐ °tion which is Ð ° tÐ µrm frÐ µquÐ µntly usÐ µd in journÐ °lism Ð µnvironmÐ µnt. JournÐ °lists, mÐ µdiÐ ° critics Ð °nd Ð °cÐ °dÐ µmics Ð °pply this tÐ µrm to chÐ °rÐ °ctÐ µrizÐ µ rÐ µcÐ µnt trÐ µsnds in thÐ µ mÐ °ss mÐ µdiÐ °. Ð ° shift to nÐ µw Ð °nd morÐ µ Ð µntÐ µrtÐ °ining kinds of journÐ °listic contÐ µnt with thÐ µ dominÐ °ncÐ µ of visuÐ °l prioritiÐ µs ovÐ µr thÐ µ vÐ µrbÐ °l tÐ µstifiÐ µs thÐ µ involvÐ µmÐ µnt of tÐ °bloidisÐ °tion. ThÐ µ shift in thÐ µ kind of lÐ °nguÐ °gÐ µ usÐ µd, Ð °nd thÐ µ strÐ µss upon thÐ µ sÐ µnsÐ °tionÐ °l Ð °nd thÐ µ Ð µmotivÐ µ, Ð °nd thÐ µ incrÐ µÃ °sing dominÐ °tion of visuÐ °lly dÐ µtÐ µrminÐ µd discoursÐ µ, undÐ µrminÐ µ thÐ µ plÐ °cÐ µ of rÐ µÃ °son. Ð °t thÐ µir most Ð µxtrÐ µmÐ µ, critics of tÐ °bloidisÐ °tion sÐ µÃ µ it Ð °s onÐ µ mÐ °jor Ð µlÐ µmÐ µnt provoking Ð ° crisis of public lifÐ µ thÐ °t is Ð µroding thÐ µ bÐ °sis of dÐ µmocrÐ °cy. On thÐ µ othÐ µr hÐ °nd, thÐ µrÐ µ Ð °rÐ µ thosÐ µ who Ð °rguÐ µ thÐ °t thÐ µrÐ µ is littlÐ µ or no Ð µvidÐ µncÐ µ for growing tÐ °bloidisÐ °tion, Ð °nd thÐ °t thÐ µ trÐ °ditionÐ °l functions of thÐ µ mÐ °ss mÐ µdiÐ ° continuÐ µ to bÐ µ dischÐ °rgÐ µd Ð °t lÐ µÃ °st Ð °s wÐ µll Ð °s thÐ µy hÐ °vÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn in thÐ µ pÐ °st. OthÐ µrs wÐ µlcomÐ µ thÐ µ sprÐ µÃ °d of tÐ °bloidisÐ °tion, which thÐ µy sÐ µÃ µ Ð °s broÐ °dÐ µning Ð °nd dÐ µmocrÐ °tizing thÐ µ contÐ µnt of thÐ µ mÐ °ss mÐ µdiÐ °. ThÐ µ old wÐ °ys of thÐ µ mÐ µdiÐ ° wÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ prÐ µsÐ µrvÐ µ of Ð °n Ð µlitÐ µ minority.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eco-Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Eco-Design - Essay Example emerging and competing in the global market, has put a severe strain on the available natural resources and the idea of creating a environment friendly product has been relegated to the background. The three basic issues that an eco-design addresses are (1) The new age customer is getting more information regarding the dangers of environment pollution. He is thus getting more informed regarding the choices he can make while selecting a product. Thus he is able to demand products that are safe and environment friendly which leads to a direct pressure on companies to come up with innovative and eco-friendly solutions to their products. (2) A government that is sensitive to the concerns of the environment shall bring out laws, stipulations and guidelines within which a product needs to function. Adherence to these guidelines necessitates manufacturers to refine and tune their product development strategies. Some of the notable international laws and regulations include the Hazardous Waste Act of Australia(1989) & the ‘Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material(2005) of Canada .(Eco-Design: European State of the Art, 2007) (3) The industry in itself tries to own up to its responsibility and moral obligation of providing its customers with products that are clean and which are within the framework of being called ecologically sustainable (1) The process of developing eco-designs presents the design team and ultimately the manufacturer a host of opportunities to try out new variants of designs that serve to work out economically as well. (2) A rethink of the design aspect right from its inception stage may lead to an overall improvement in quality of the product. Apart from being in sync with the environment the overall efficiency of the product might increase leading to a win-win situation. The Eco-Design concept that has been formulated and developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) formulates a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sample Reflection Assignments Essay Example for Free

Sample Reflection Assignments Essay Written assignments are of two types: Reflections and Project Reports. Reflections: An essential element for student learning in service-learning courses is written and oral reflections on the field study experience, as well as on other elements of the course. To have an experience isn’t enough to ensure learning; you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience and what you learned from it to ensure that learning occurs. As T.S. Eliot once wrote (The Four Quartets, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1943, p. 24), you can â€Å"have the experience but miss the meaning.† Towards this end there are eight written reflections required in this course. These reflections are intended to help you focus in on what you are learning (or not learning), identify issues or concerns on your mind, explore an idea more deeply, or in other ways enhance your learning about the course topics, yourself, and others. According to the North Carolina State Service-Learning Program (Reflection and Articulating Learning, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. NC State, 2004) â€Å"the best reflection follows a simple three step model: (1) describe the experience(s) objectively, (2) analyze the experience(s) in terms of the categories of service-learning objectives (personal, civic, academic), and (3) articulate (express) the learning that results. We will go over these steps as part of our first reflection exercise. These reflections should be approximately two pages long (500 words). They will be graded. The best six out of eight grades will be used towards your final grade. Evaluation of reflections will use a set of criteria (rubric) to be distributed and discussed in class. Project reports: There will be a series of written assignments related to your service-learning project. In preparation for the write-up of the final project report for the community partner (along with other possible final products like videos, curricula, maps, etc.), students will prepare a written work plan and two progress reports (schedule to be provided). All of these written assignments will be graded and become part of the final grade. Details on all of these written assignments will be provided and discussed in class. COURSE: Cultural Health Care (NURS 105) INSTRUCTOR: Rycki Maltby PhD, RN, FRCNA Final Paper (25%) The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning over the semester. The paper should be 8-10 typed (word processed) pages, 12 cpi, and follow the attached guidelines for written assignments. Using the service-learning project, the cultural self-study, and the in-class reflections, discuss what you have learned. What surprised you? Has your thinking/perspective about particular issues changed? Did you become aware of the subjective nature of value judgments? Why or why not? Can you find any support in the literature for your position? Provide evidence of at least four articles. What is the next step for you in learning about cultural health care? Be sure to provide examples from your practice and tie in literature. Guidelines for Written Assignments ‘A’ Level 1. Introduction is comprehensive, gives reader good direction, ‘sets the scene’, and is followed throughout paper. 2. Summary/conclusion is thoughtful and relevant. 3. Fundamental issues addressed in depth with original arguments and critical judgements, demonstrating insight and creativity. 4. Current and classic primary literature sources are utilized. 5. Writing style shows evidence of individuality, unity and fluency. 6. Overall presentation of the paper is  professional with no errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. Proper English language usage), and follows APA format. ‘B’ Level 1. Introduction gives reader direction and is addressed throughout the paper. 2. Summary/conclusion is clear and concise. 3. Fundamental issues addressed with evidence of some original arguments and critical judgments. 4. Current literature sources utilized (primary and secondary) 5. Writing style is fluent with evidence of individuality and clarity. 6. Overall presentation of paper is neat and well organized with few minor errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. Proper English language usage), and follows APA format. ‘C’ Level 1. Introduction gives reader direction. 2. Summary/conclusion is clear and concise. Fundamental issues described but limited originality of arguments and few critical judgments. 3. Limited literature sources are utilized (current and/or classic). 4. Writing style is fluent and some evidence of individuality and clarity. 5. Overall presentation of paper is neat and minor errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. proper English language usage), and follows APA format. COURSE: Adv. Development Sem.: Communities and Human Development (PSY 366) FACULTY: Lynne Bond Final Writing Assignment: At the end of the semester, you will be assigned a final writing assignment. The purpose of that assignment will be to help you integrate the reading, writing, discussion, and data gathering, analysis and interpretation we have done during the semester. The exact format of that assignment will be shaped, in part, by the development of our community-based project. As we progress throughout the semester, we will work together to develop more explicit guidelines for this project. COURSE: Community Psychology (PSY 295) FACULTY: Lynne Bond Analytical/Critical Reflection (2 pages): These brief papers are to focus specifically upon the week’s reading assignment and its relation to our community field work, other readings, and personal experience and observations of your own. Your goal is not to summarize the readings. Rather, you should analyze and reflect critically upon a couple significant issues raised in the readings. To reiterate, ideally you will critically reflect upon these readings by linking them with other material we have covered in our course (readings/discussion), community field work you have done, and other aspects of your experience and knowledge (e.g. personal history, issues observed in media, other courses†¦etc.). We will discuss and practice â€Å"reflection† activities in class at the beginning of the semester to help you feel more comfortable and prepared to complete these reflection papers. Intro to the Nonprofit Field (Carrie Williams Howe) Final Reflection Assignment: WHAT? What have you learned through this course? What stands out to you, feels new to you, excites you, or challenges you? SO WHAT? Why does this learning matter? Why does it stand out to you? Why is it important to you personally or in the bigger picture? NOW WHAT? What do you do from here? How will you take this learning with you? Does this learning change your perspective, your career goals, or your interests? Your reflection should be 3-5 pages long and should dig deeply into this experience to reflect on your learning. It should connect to academic concepts and critically examine your own development through this learning. You will be graded based on the reflection rubric provided in your syllabus. During Service Reflection: Critical Analysis Papers (9): You will be asked to write a brief critical analysis paper for each topic we cover in this course. These papers should thoughtfully connect your experience at your nonprofit to what you are learning from readings and course notes. These reflections should be about 2 pages and will be graded based your ability to integrate the following: Information about your Nonprofit – the actual information about your nonprofit in relation to the topic we are studying (list of board members, for example), and an examination your own experience in learning about or being involved with this element of the agency. Your synthesis, interpretation, and analysis of the above factors with course information (for example – does it align with the reading? Does it seem effective? Might you suggest changes or improvements?).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Feminist Pedagogy: Not Just for Women Anymore Essay -- Education, Femi

Your responsibilities as teachers at this community college are very important in educating the dedicated students that attend your school. As an aging baby-boomer approaching retirement, no doubt like some of you in this room today, I recognize the importance of providing opportunities for growth and experiential learning in our young adults that will affect not only their lives, but those of everyone else around them. It is this distinguished group of graduates that will become our leaders, policy makers, doctors, lawyers and business people. The focus on learning moving towards a learner-centered approach and away from a teacher based will become increasingly important to this new generation of learners. Critical pedagogy is defined by philosophical education scholar Henry Giroux (Critical Pedagogy, 2011), as â€Å"an educational movement, guided by passion and principle, to help students develop consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to take constructive action†. Many of us who were students of days gone by only know of traditional methods of schooling. What a critical pedagogy approach can do is create a learning environment for those individuals who have been disenfranchised by a traditional teaching methods because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or cultural beliefs. Such an environment fosters the capacity for critical thinking and reflection. One method of critical pedagogy is the feminist approach. I will explain the root of critical pedagogy in the feminist approach. I will then discuss feminist pedagogy and its practical applications in the classroom. Lastly, I will demonstrate that it is not exclusively for or about w... ...gress: Education as the practice of freedom, London: Routledge. Hudalla, J. (2005). Transforming My Curriculum, Transforming My Classroom. EdChange and the Multicultural Pavilion. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from http://www.EdChange.org/multicultural Shrewsbury, C. (1997). What is feminist pedagogy? Women’s studies quarterly, 25 (1,2), pp.166-173. Smith, M.K. (2002). Paulo Freire and informal education. The encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-freir.htm Stage, F., Muller, P., Kinzie, J, Simmons, A. (1998). Creating learning centered classrooms: What does learning theory have to say? George Washington Univ. Washington, DC. Waller, A. (2005). What is feminist pedagogy and how can it be used in CSET education? Retrieved November 27, 2011 from http://fie-conference.org/fie2005/papers/1585.pdf Feminist Pedagogy: Not Just for Women Anymore Essay -- Education, Femi Your responsibilities as teachers at this community college are very important in educating the dedicated students that attend your school. As an aging baby-boomer approaching retirement, no doubt like some of you in this room today, I recognize the importance of providing opportunities for growth and experiential learning in our young adults that will affect not only their lives, but those of everyone else around them. It is this distinguished group of graduates that will become our leaders, policy makers, doctors, lawyers and business people. The focus on learning moving towards a learner-centered approach and away from a teacher based will become increasingly important to this new generation of learners. Critical pedagogy is defined by philosophical education scholar Henry Giroux (Critical Pedagogy, 2011), as â€Å"an educational movement, guided by passion and principle, to help students develop consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to take constructive action†. Many of us who were students of days gone by only know of traditional methods of schooling. What a critical pedagogy approach can do is create a learning environment for those individuals who have been disenfranchised by a traditional teaching methods because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or cultural beliefs. Such an environment fosters the capacity for critical thinking and reflection. One method of critical pedagogy is the feminist approach. I will explain the root of critical pedagogy in the feminist approach. I will then discuss feminist pedagogy and its practical applications in the classroom. Lastly, I will demonstrate that it is not exclusively for or about w... ...gress: Education as the practice of freedom, London: Routledge. Hudalla, J. (2005). Transforming My Curriculum, Transforming My Classroom. EdChange and the Multicultural Pavilion. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from http://www.EdChange.org/multicultural Shrewsbury, C. (1997). What is feminist pedagogy? Women’s studies quarterly, 25 (1,2), pp.166-173. Smith, M.K. (2002). Paulo Freire and informal education. The encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-freir.htm Stage, F., Muller, P., Kinzie, J, Simmons, A. (1998). Creating learning centered classrooms: What does learning theory have to say? George Washington Univ. Washington, DC. Waller, A. (2005). What is feminist pedagogy and how can it be used in CSET education? Retrieved November 27, 2011 from http://fie-conference.org/fie2005/papers/1585.pdf

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How useful is Personality Theory? Essay

What motivates human behaviour? Why is the past present and future important to the development of personality? How constant is human behaviour? These questions along with many others determine the need for a theory that will answer some of the questions. Personality Theories aim to provide a viable description for people’s individual differences, it attempts to answer the questions mentioned above and assign some kind of meaning into people’s behaviour. (Furnham & Heaven pg10) There are many different theories in order to explain personality; some would explain people’s unique behaviour as being a product of our environment or social situations, personal learning or part of our genetic makeup. Personality theory attempts to explain the how is our behaviour shaped, what makes us behave in certain ways in certain social situations and why do we behave in this manner. The notion is that people are unique and no two people behave alike in a predicament, no matter how close they are. (Furnham & Heaven pg4) The method in which personality theorists look at the development of personality all differ, some examine the structure which attempts to reach below the surface of observable trait type behaviours. Some explain the actual processes of personality; others investigate the development of personality. An important reason for studying personality is to gain scientific knowledge and to try to assess people so that deviant behaviours can be modified. (Roth pg365) Concerning the different personality theories only one theory will be mentioned in this essay, that being the trait-type approach which explains personality as inherited differences that are biological. This theory of personality is used quite often in our every day life and the benefits and implications of using personality theories will be examined in detail, throughout the progression of this essay. Personality is a pro-active process and the theories attempt to stabilise one’s behaviour, and because personality is an implicate theory we can predict that people will behave in a certain way. The well-known scale for introversion and extraversion as described by (Hippocrates, Galen, Winott, Jung, Eysenck, and Cattell among others) has been shown to be directly related to mental health, learning and education, risk taking, criminality and other social behaviours. These behaviour patterns may not become known by observation, or just meeting a person, this is why this approach has some benefits. (Wallace pg10) Individual differences in personality have long been recognised, in the last hundred years psychologists have made a great deal of progress in developing procedures for assessing personality. A large number of assessment methods, tasks and gadgets have been used to assay mans behaviour, attitudes, thoughts, aspirations and deviations. All of these approaches to assessing categorising, or measuring personality, have involved collecting responses from, or making observations about, the subject which could be used to infer more general personality traits or status characteristics. (Butcher page 4) The use of personality testing in occupational assessing has been increasing over the past two decades. Some recent surveys have, for example suggested that up to two thirds of large organisations in the UK use personality assessment for selecting managers. The vast majority of organisations use tests responsibly and wisely, although it is undoubtedly true some do not. The British psychological Society (BPS) aim to promote responsible use. (Dr Russell Drakeley pg29) Personality assessment can be used for staff selection, promotion, individual personality development, team development, career guidance, counselling, educational or learning difficulties or clinical personality assessment. The possibilities of personality testing are varied, and some of the ones included in the above list would not meet with universal approval. Using personality tests for promotion and redundancy are especially controversial and in the past have caused much consternation, both within and outside occupational psychology. (Dr Russell Drakeley pg28)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Disneyland Paris Marketing Strategy Essay

In this essay, the point of interest will be the market research disaster of Walt Disney Company after they opened a Disney park in Europe. The Walt Disney Company had experienced a big failure in the theme park business. Having successfully opened parks in the US and Asia, the idea to open one in Europe came natural. The city of Paris was chosen to host the new theme park. That was the first of many decisions that led to a very unsuccessful opening of EuroDisney. Many factors contributed to EuroDisney’s ‘unhealthy’ performance during its first few year of activity and many of these factors could have been avoided if the proper research would have been done. The first problem with EuroDisney was that Paris was the town chosen to be this park’s home. Paris was the perfect city to build the famous park in firstly because of the demography but the wrong one when it comes to its customs and culture. There were many marketing and operational errors that echoed into the park’s unsuccessful opening. For example, EuroDisney’s advertising had emphasized Disney’s image as an alluring bit of Americana culture rather than thinking of the French customers. EuroDisney’s image-marketing did not explain to Europeans what the theme park was or what attractions it had to offer the European consumer. Advertising was so focused on the size of the park and the glamour behind it, that this poor marketing strategy hurt overall business. 1 The Walt Disney Company had taken a golden step towards Japan and driven by their first success on Asian territory considered it logical to be the same in Europe. The first years in Europe have proved the contrary. A combination of factors contributed to a disastrous start in Paris. The biggest factor contributing to the poor performance was the failing cultural adaptation. Disney was build and promoted in Europe as a piece of wonderful America. Everything about the park was American and cultural differences between America and Europe were completely neglected. This resulted not only in negative experiences by customers itself, but also in a heavy load of criticism from the intellectual segment of France, which traditionally didn’t have good relations with ‘Americanism’. 2 Besides the cultural problems, a lot of secondary factors contributed to the big failure. We must think of customers’ pockets. The price to enter the park and especially staying at the hotels, was too high in the European mindset and customers weren’t willing to spend this amount of money. As we have already explained, the French culture was not the perfect one to absorb the specific American product, as one other reason is that the English language is still unpopular in France and the American style isn’t much appreciated; in this case the cultural adaptation went wrong in almost every aspect. The EuroDisney management team seems to have been poorly informed or have done superficial research on the European culture and market. 1 â€Å"The Cultural Barbarism of EuroDisney.† 123HelpMe.com. 06 Jan 2013 http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=167709 2 Ibidem When Disney opened EuroDisney in Paris, the park was a symbol of American culture. The cultural adaptation that was necessary to make the park a success didn’t cross the mind of the Disney team. The problems Disney encountered when entering Europe with Disneyland were not only because of the behavior of the French, it was the neglecting of (European) culture in general that made EuroDisney a disaster. So, concluding all the arguments: the main methodological mistake made was the choosing of the place of their park. The first and most striking mistake was not France or any specific country, but the problem was adapting to culture in general. EuroDisney’s entry strategy should have been used keeping in mind the customer and the end user of the product, in this case the ordinary Frenchman. The entry strategy should have taken into consideration all cultural aspects of their venture The strategy should be conceived after a thorough research conducted to help Disney enter the European market. The answer to how the Walt Disney Company should market the destination to potential customers & other stakeholders is partially answered with the quote below: As a whole, a move by any company to any foreign market should not be made without an extensive, in-depth study based on exhaustive research into every applicable aspect of the economy, laws, culture, climate, interests, customs, life-style habits, geography, and work habits. This integration of differing management practices is typical with any company doing business abroad. However, a great deal of time, patience, understanding, education, and willingness to accept and/or compromise are needed from all parties involved in order to make this integration successful. 3 A new EuroDisney park would not fit in the European picture for the same reasons we discussed above: the cultural environment, language, vacation and entertainment rituals, etc. In any case, the American style and culture shown in ‘Disney’ should be narrowed down as much as possible to adapt to any of the European countries in order for it to be a success. 3 Eurodisney Research Design.† 123HelpMe.com. 06 Jan 2013 http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=164935

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition Essay- Anger Research Paper Example

Definition Essay Definition Essay- Anger Paper Definition Essay- Anger Paper The word was first used around the 1 13ths of the word anger used as a verb include anger used with De at the end to create angered. For example, if someone is easily angered they are quick to react in a negative way. Angered is to be irritated or to be displeased with something or someone. If an event occurs, for example a bad grade on a test, a student may be angered at either themselves or the teacher. If someone Is angered by a specific person It means they do not tolerate the personality or actions of said person. Anger can apply too person, a thing or an event. Anger can also be used as a noun when used as an emotion. For example, the sentence according to Emily, she held no anger towards Mar anger is being used as a noun. This refers to the emotion. If someone is doing a verb in anger then anger is used as a noun. For example, in her anger she turned red or she was trembling in anger. The word anger can also be used as an adjective, angry. The word angry describes a person who is experiencing anger. If someone is angry with another person then they are upset and irritated. The sentence she is angry with Sam or He was angry because of the lack of handicapped parking-spaces. Angry can also be used to describe a person perpetually. For example, shes Just an angry person to describe an easily Irritated or grumpy personality. Anger Is often used In context to describe a person or a persons reaction. It Is insider one of the major emotions along with happiness, sadness, etc. It doesnt only apply to people though. Animals can be given the humanistic characteristic of anger, for example, the dogs sharp teeth and growl made it appear angry. Anger is used to describe a feeling (emotion) that is often experienced and often referred to. Overall all words associated with anger pretty much are used to describe the same feeling, a feeling of irritation, rage. Words commonly associated with anger include mad, vexed, bugged, peeved and annoyed. Definition Essay- Anger By chlorofluorocarbons Anger is typically known to make the person experiencing it want to hurt or shout at others, or in need to calm down. Anger is also known to be associated with rage, synonyms include displeasure, irritation, vexation and madden. Anger can be used by humans in all cultures. The word was first used around the 13th- 14th century and angered at either themselves or the teacher. If someone is angered by a specific person it means they do not tolerate the personality or actions of said person. Anger entente according to Emily, she held no anger towards May anger is being used as anger. The word anger can also be used as an adjective, angry. The word angry to describe an easily irritated or grumpy personality. Anger is often used in context to describe a person or a persons reaction. It is considered one of the major emotions along with happiness, sadness, etc. It doesnt only apply to people though. Animals can be given the humanistic characteristic of anger, for example, the dogs sharp teeth and growl made it appear angry.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Praises to the Correct Use of The Semicolon

Praises to the Correct Use of The Semicolon Praises to the Correct Use of The Semicolon Praises to the Correct Use of The Semicolon By Daniel Scocco Lana, one of our readers, pointed me to a very interesting article over the NY Times. Titled Celebrating the Semicolon in a Most Unlikely Location, the article describes how the reporter was pleasantly surprised by finding an erudite and correct use of the semicolon on a subway sign. â€Å"Please put it in a trash can,† riders are reminded. After which Neil Neches, an erudite writer in the transit agency’s marketing and service information department, inserted a semicolon. The rest of the sentence reads, â€Å"that’s good news for everyone.† Semicolon sightings in the city are unusual, period, much less in exhortations drafted by committees of civil servants. In literature and journalism, not to mention in advertising, the semicolon has been largely jettisoned as a pretentious anachronism. The article argues that most people avoid using the semicolon merely because they are not sure about it. We covered it in the past, specifically outlining the differences between the colon and the semicolon. If you need a reminder, the article itself describes how it should be used: Americans, in particular, prefer shorter sentences without, as style books advise, that distinct division (the semicolon) between statements that are closely related but require a separation more prolonged than a conjunction and more emphatic than a comma. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. HadThe Parts of a WordDissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Greek Ethnic Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greek Ethnic Identity - Essay Example In world history, Greeks are one of the most prominent groups of people owing to their huge contribution to ancient civilization. With the constant reference to these people in antiquity’s historical, literary, philosophical, and architectural involvement, it becomes interesting to know who the Greeks through a deeper look at their ethnic identity. Starting at their first reference to themselves as Greeks which sets them apart to other groups, it should be noted that their ethnic identity has evolved through the different historical events and transitions that they went through. Thus, this paper will look at Greek identity during the antiquity and modern times.In the eyes of a Westerner, the term Greek is used to refer to any speaker of the Greek language regardless of their origin. Thus, Greek refer to either Mycenaean, Byzantian, and modern Greek recognizing that all these groups speak the same language amidst their time of existence. However, Greeks are very much particular about their racial purity denying the existence of â€Å"ethnological adulteration.† This very strong sense of racial purity is important to all the Greeks and is repeatedly communicated to all the non-Greeks. According to Shea (1997), â€Å"the Greek insistence on ethnological purity for its people is not unusual among expressions of nationalism.† Starting from the ancient Greeks, there has been this awareness and insistence that Greeks are homogenous without the influence or presence of cultural minorities. It goes strongly with the assertion of the Greeks of their lofty heritage and their perception of other ethnicities as being inferior. Thus, ethnic awareness of Greeks is centered on their belief of racial purity. In fact â€Å"Modern Greek identity is based on an unshakable conviction that the Greek State is ethnically homogenous. This belief ... has entailed repeated and official denial of the existence of minorities which are not of 'pure' Hellenic originâ₠¬ .